Our Story

We began our journey over a decade ago in the development and implementation of information systems in hundreds of organizations across various sectors. Through our activity and familiarity with many organizations, we identified the clear need for comprehensive and tailored BI solutions for SMB companies.


Our journey
commenced in 2013 with the development of an innovative BI system beta version. Our goal was to find a solution that would significantly streamline the critical foundational stage in the BI system implementation process – the integration of data sources, data mapping, and exploration of organizational data.


And indeed, it happened.
The unique technology we developed was successfully implemented in numerous companies, received positive reviews, and in 2018, we decided to invest additional resources in the development of an advanced and up-to-date version.

In 2020, we launched the new version of our BI system, featuring advanced visualization capabilities for designing smart dashboards and control screens. We successfully implemented it in dozens of customers in Israel and around the world.


We emphasize adaptability and attentiveness to our customers’ needs, in a simple and professional manner.
Throughout our years of operation, we have placed great emphasis on providing a user-friendly experience that does not require coding knowledge or reliance on programmers.

This is to enable organizations to work with the system independently, without dependence on external bodies.

We are proud of our cutting-edge technology, which enables many organizations to implement a BI system quickly, efficiently, and with significant cost savings.

Our Main Team


Co founder




senior project manager



Our vision

Our vision is to simplify BI applications and make them accessible to the huge market of SMB companies in the world, just like the Wix and Word Press Web revolution, which enabled many designers to build sites quickly and easily without any prior knowledge of programming.

 Simm.BI is a revolutionary tool that enables managers to control business operations from anywhere and from any device, without the need for BI experts and at low costs that are suitable for any business.